[Republik Supply] The supply chain management at Renault strengthens its alliance with mathematical research.

Renault's Supply Chain Director, Denis Le Vot, has just signed a partnership with the Cermics laboratory at the École des Ponts Paris Tech. Additionally, he has renewed the collaboration for the next five years with a Future Supply Chain Chair within the same institution.

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La direction supply chain de Renault consolide son alliance avec la recherche mathématique

[Supply Chain Magazine] With Cermics, Renault tackles the 'mathematical wall' of optimizing its Supply Chain

It is a 5-year partnership, the longest ever signed by Renault Group with a major school or university, which was officially announced last Friday with the École des Ponts ParisTech and its internationally renowned applied mathematics laboratory, Cermics.

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[Supply Chain magazine] Avec le Cermics, Renault s’attaque au « mur mathématique » de l’optimisation de sa SC

[Automotive logistics] Renault Group partners with École des Ponts ParisTech for AI and supply chain digitalisation

Renault Group’s supply chain division has partnered with École des Ponts ParisTech, school of science, engineering and technology, to explore the future of AI optimisation in the supply chain.


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[Automotive logistics] Renault Group partners with École des Ponts ParisTech for AI and supply chain digitalisation

[L’usine Nouvelle] Renault and École des Ponts ParisTech will combine machine learning and operations research to optimize logistics

Renault et l’École des Ponts ParisTech ont signé ce 24 novembre un partenariat de recherche pour améliorer la logistique du constructeur.

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[L’usine Nouvelle] Renault and École des Ponts ParisTech will combine machine learning and operations research to optimize logistics

A rich activity contributing to supply chain research.