The major global studies of the insurance sector, providing an overview of the major risks of tomorrow, endeavor to outline the major developments of the world of today, in order to anticipate future threats to better protect themselves and prepare for it.
In particular, the 2022 editions of these studies (ex : Axa Future Risk Report) emphasize on the fragmentation of the world with overlapping crises where they followed one another in the past. New risks linked to geopolitical, energy, economic and social instability are added to already identified risks such as pandemic, cyber risk, and climate change.
Therefore from a supply chain point of view, the choice of this risk management theme in such a context takes on its full importance.
This chair’s seminar aims to initiate a broader shared and in-depth reflection in terms of risk management, between supply chain (and other departments) teams of the four partners and with other external stakeholders, in order to better anticipate and address the emergence of these risks and associated challenges.
Risk management in this global context marked by uncertainty and the resurgence of crises, in a context of permanent transformation of companies, increasingly requires collective solutions and a shared monitoring approach.
The objective of the seminar is to offer to partners of the chair a sharing of feedback around risk management, to exchange on different priority risks from the supply chain point of view, to align themselves with good practices and key processes, to draw inspiration from alternative sectoral approaches and to anticipate evolutions to come.
Through the interventions of the four partners of the chair and of external stakeholders, both companies and academics, various questions will be addressed :
- What feedback on the management of the different types of risks addressed by the supply chain ? Operational risk (supplier ,transport…), image and reputation risk linked to environmental action, cyber risk, climate risk, geopolitical risk…
- How to take into account these different risks in terms of tools, measurement system, process, organization…?
- How to capitalize on academic insights and inspire from methods such as “design fiction” to support operational teams in anticipating and preparing for risk management ?
The program of seminar thus allowed the following perspectives :
- A framing of the subject with Pr. Philippe Wieser, scientific director of the chair, who returned to the methodological approaches of identification, quantification, and controlling risks in the supply chain.
- An expert perspective on crisis communication with Emmanuelle Hervé, founding president of EH&A, a firm specializing in risk management, around image and reputational risks particularly linked to greenwashing.
- Feedback from other manufacturers :
– Michel Josset, president of the AMRAE prevention and damages commission, Faurecia/Forvia group insurance prevention director, who shared the vision of AMRAE (Association for the management of risks and insurance of the company) on the news risks and risk management approach applied to the supply chain.
– Jean-Baptiste Mezan De Malartic, transport insurance risk director, AXA XL, who came back on the insurance approach to risk management.
A training session on the approach of Design Fiction was carried out within the framework of the seminar for all the participants of the ‘ partners of the chair, with the team of the DSchool of the school of Ponts ParisTech, to understand the design fiction methodology applied to exercises to identify weak signals and to develop prospective scenarios.
Read all about the Supply Chain of the Future Chair in the press